2-Day Online Workshop – Registration is Open!

event date & location

Sunday, October 30th & Monday, October 31st

6pm to 10pm (Sydney)

 7am - 11am (London)

 3am - 7am (New York)


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Don’t Miss Out – Secure Your Spot Before It’s Too Late!

If you truly want to grow your NFT portfolio and identify NFTs with the potential to explode in value, then make sure you register to the 2-Day NFT virtual workshop, as this is your opportunity to get our help and achieve your goals faster.


Dear Member,

What will be shared at the NFT virtual workshop could potentially help you generate large gains over the next few months and beyond. Not only will we go over all the teachings from the online course, we’ll also share advanced NFT monetization strategies. And since the NFT space has currently some golden opportunities, we’ll share them with you during the workshop. The sooner you become aware of these lucrative opportunities, the faster you can profit from them.

All you need to do is turn up at 6pm to 10pm (Sydney), on Sunday, October 30th & Monday, October 31st. And since we’ll be LIVE, you will have plenty of opportunities to get all your questions answered.

At the workshop you’ll see how my team and I have been able to profit from the latest NFT projects and we’ll help you put together your very own NFT portfolio-building strategy.

Best of all?

Troy Harris, someone I believe is among the best at identifying lucrative NFT opportunities without taking big risks and the person who helped me identify NFT projects (from which I have x10 my initial investment within 2 months) will share 3 NEW NFT projects with the same potential, exclusively to attendees of the NFT workshop.

Registration closes in:


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Here is what we will be sharing at the workshop:

  • The latest and very promising NFT projects we believe could explode in value shortly
  • The formula for getting whitelisted so you can purchase NFTs at bargain prices and get plenty of rewards
  • The latest developments in the NFT space and why they could lead to the mass adoption of NFTs
  • How to add extra layers of security to protect your NFT assets
  • How to make passive income from different NFT projects – the ones that pay you every single day for simply holding them in your digital wallet!
  • How to make multiple income streams from a single NFT – we show you behind-the-scenes of our own NFTs and how we’re getting paid day in, day out, without having to do anything
  • How the Metaverse and Web 3.0 are creating plenty of opportunities for us to profit – and the window of opportunity to take advantage of them
  • And much, much more!

I know that two days can be a big time commitment, but I guarantee it will be worth your time.

Here are 5 reasons this is one of the best time investments you will make:


The workshop is live, so all your questions will be answered so you can gain the clarity you’ve been after


Troy Harris will also be available to answer ALL your questions too. Picking his brains could lead to many successful investments


There is a small window of opportunity right now to profit from 3 upcoming NFT projects. That opportunity will be over a few days after the workshop when these NFT projects go on sale to the public


If you’ve identified promising NFT projects but are unsure whether you should pursue them, attending the workshop will give you the clarity and peace of mind you’re after


If you’ve already purchased NFTs, we’ll teach you how to start monetizing them further

This workshop is for you if:

  • You have followed the NFTs Made Easy modules and want to learn more
  • You don’t have the time to research the latest NFT projects
  • You struggle to get whitelisted and secure NFTs at bargain prices
  • You want to discover what we’re keeping an eye on and why
  • You want to start enjoying multiple streams of passive income from the NFTs you own

Don’t miss out on this cutting-edge information you’re unlikely to find anywhere else. This training could fast-track your profits more than you ever imagined or believed possible. You could benefit massively from our experience and all the research we’ve been doing for the past 6 months.

So go ahead, secure your place and we’ll see you soon!

Corinna Essa

P.S. PS. This training is LIVE and designed to really help you boost your NFT gains

P.P.S. Troy Harris built a six-figure NFT portfolio within a few months and he'll reveal how he did it so you can just model what works.

P.P.P.S All the techniques we teach will be demonstrated step-by-step during the training, so you can see behind the scenes of some of our most successful money-making strategies.

Registration closes in:


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