How To Use Twitter Automation To Increase Your Followers By 200%

How To Use Twitter Automation To Increase Your Followers By 200%

Like any other social network, managing a Twitter account can be quite time consuming. Between following new Twitter users, following back followers, responding to direct messages, and tweeting, it can easily take up to an hour a day.

This is why Twitter automation tools can come in handy. Although Twitter automation is frowned upon and if used too aggressively, can lead to the suspension of your account, the proper use of Twitter tools can save you a lot of time and bring you great results.

One of the very effective Twitter tools available to automate Twitter is

This Twitter automation tool allows you to build a targeted following, perform audience research as well as provide useful analytics for just $19 a month.

To get started with this Twitter auto follower app, you will need to create an account by supplying your email address and credit card information. Then, you’ll have to add keywords by clicking on “add keywords” on the top left hand side. Keywords can be hashtags, usernames, urls or even keyword phrases. This Twitter auto follower tool also allows you to be even more specific with your targeting with their “target bios” feature which allows you to follow people based on their profession.

For example, should you be a weight loss expert, you could add the following keywords:

@WeightWatchers (username) (url)

#diet (hashtag)

#calories (hashtag)

lose weight (keyword phrase)

Once you’ve finished adding your list of keywords, the Twitter automation tool will like relevant tweets that include these keywords and follow users who include these keywords in their tweets.

After a few days, this Twitter auto follower system will create a report on the performance of the keywords. If following certain users based on your selection criteria doesn’t lead to acquiring many more followers, simply change your selection criteria by changing the keywords.

Ultimate Twitter Marketing Formula

Another way to increase your follow-back rate when using Twitter tools is by making sure your Twitter account looks professional and engaging. Make sure your profile picture fits properly and is not cut off like the one below:


If your profile picture is cut off, make sure you upload a profile picture that is 250 x 250 pixels. Also, make sure your profile picture is not pixelated or cropped.

Your tweets should also be interesting, unique and engaging and add value to your target audience. Avoid just retweeting random tweets from other people. Instead, share useful tips and resources that your target market is likely to find interesting. You can make your Twitter account stand out even further and make it follow-worthy by customizing your cover picture, also known as your twitter header.


Your header should include most preferably a picture of your target audience experiencing the benefits of your products. For example, if you sell anti-ageing products to women over 40, then you could put pictures of 40+ women with nice skin to display the end results and benefits of your products. Also, add on your cover picture your unique marketing hook, also known as your marketing headline. Basically, a short sentence about what you specialize in and the results you provide. For example, to promote your anti-ageing products, your marketing hook could be: “Discover how to look 10 years younger thanks to the extraordinary power of aloe vera”.

On your banner, remember to also add your website, so people know where they can go to find out more information.

When using to automate Twitter, this tool will also calculate your conversion rate once it starts following users based on your selection criteria. For example, should you follow 30 people a day and 15 of them follow you back, your conversion rate will be 50%. The higher your conversion rate, the better.


You can change the settings of your Twitter auto follow account by clicking on settings tab on the top right hand side. In the settings section, you will be able to target users according to language, as well as enable or disable the Twitter auto follow, auto favourite and auto unfollow features.


Auto favourite means that will automatically mark as “favourite” (also known as “like”) that include your keywords.

For example, if the keyword you selected is “weightloss”, this Twitter auto follow tool will automatically like tweets which include this keyword. I personally wouldn’t enable this feature as you can’t control what narrow will mark as “favourite” and your account can end up liking tweets you wouldn’t otherwise approve of.

Ultimate Twitter Marketing Formula

Auto unfollow means that will automatically unfollow users who haven’t followed you back. This is handy, as you don’t want to end up following a lot of people compared to the number of followers you have. Having a big difference between the number of people you are following and the number of actual followers you have may make you look desperate to build an audience.

Remember that using aggressive tools to automate Twitter is frowned upon and can lead to the suspension of your account, I recommend not enabling all features simultaneously and pausing the Twitter automation app from time to time. Enable your Twitter automation tools or account sporadically during the week instead of permanently leaving them on. Plus, to remain on the safe side, perform some tasks manually such as following or unfollowing users when your app is paused.

Remember, social media is a people-to-people medium and to experience results, should not be completely automated. Twitter automation tools like are to be used with caution and only when you want to experience a quick boost in audience size.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on how to use twitter automation to increase your followers by 200%. Remember to leave a comment below and subscribe to our channel to receive the latest social media tips straight to your inbox.

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  1. Anita

    Thank you very useful. Can you tell me the point of hashtag and what its purpose?

  2. Caroline Nettle

    Thank you Corinna that was really useful. I will definitely check it out!

    • Corinna Essa

      Thanks Caroline!

  3. Maureen Mitchell

    Thanks Corinna, that was very interesting. Look forward to hearing more from you in Melb this weekend.

    • Corinna Essa

      Thanks Maureen! Great seeing you in Melbourne 🙂

  4. Lyn

    Thanks for sharing these ideas! I really appreciate!


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