How to Easily Come Up With Social Media Content Ideas

How to Easily Come Up With Social Media Content Ideas

Since social networks are micro blogging platforms, emphasis should mainly be put on content. Not only focusing on the frequency of posts, but their quality and relevance.

Although social media content tends to be short, often times people can experience writer’s block.

Remember that people who follow you on social media are after information relevant to your industry. For example, should you be in the “organic farming” industry, ensure your content always or as often as possible, relates to that topic and avoid publishing information that is not directly or indirectly linked to it.

One way to come up with social media post ideas is to use Google alerts.

Google alerts is a tool that allows you to receive email notification when information related to your industry has been published on the web. This tool also allows you to decide on the frequency of these email notifications.

You can either choose to share these articles on your social media accounts or create your own content based on these articles, and add your own opinion and commentary.

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An added benefit of receiving alerts to help you come up with social media post ideas, is that you will be sharing fresh information most likely before other people do because you receive alerts as soon as these articles get published. This allows you to avoid sharing dated information with your audience.

To set up Google Alerts simply go to, type in keywords you wish to receive alerts for, then select the email address you want the alerts to be sent to.

Another way to come up with quality social media ideas is using the tool Buzzsumo allows you to see which posts relevant to your industry have received the most post engagement.

By simply typing in Buzzsumo’s search engine a keyword relevant to your industry such as “organic farming” will allow you to see which topics are most likely to have an impact on your audience to help you come up with social media ideas.

A third way to come up with good social media post ideas is to monitor your competitors or people in your industry.

Simply go through their Facebook page, Instagram account or Twitter account and look at their posts. If you notice that some posts have received more engagement than others, you can model what they have published.

For example, if you are in the self-development and personal mentoring industry, you could check the posts published by Joseph McClendon or Tony Robbins to help you come up with social media ideas.

The fourth way to come up with good social media content ideas is to survey your audience. You can simply publish a post asking your fans or followers what they’d like to learn or what topics they find the most interesting, and ask them to answer the question in the comment section.

Alternatively, you can ask your audience to pick from a list of social media content ideas you have, the ones they’re the most interested in.

The fifth way to come up with creative social media posts is to check your social media analytics. You can check Twitter analytics, Facebook analytics or any other analytics depending on which social network you use.

When you do, look for the posts you’ve published that have received the most engagement. This will clearly indicate what topics your audience is the most interested in.

For example, when you go to your Facebook page and click on “insights” you will see a grid with all your posts and a column that displays the engagement each post received.

Take note of the posts that received the most engagements and try to publish similar creative social media posts.

The sixth way to come up with social media marketing ideas is to check the frequently asked questions your audience asks you.

You can look through the emails you receive from your clients or audience members, or look through the comments people leave on your posts or your competitors’ posts and list the most common questions they ask. Then, simply publish creative social media posts that are answers to these questions.

For example, if you are in the keto diet industry and people are asking questions about how to make keto bread, then some of your posts could focus on sharing keto bread recipes.

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The seventh way to come up with social media marketing ideas your audience is likely to engage with is by looking at forums in your industry. Forums are public conversations people have online around a specific topic.

By going through these conversations, you can really acquire a deep understanding of what people in your industry are after.

To find forums, simply type in the Google search box, your keyword and then forum. For example, type “keto diet forum” and you’ll see all the relevant forums which can really help you come up with effective social media marketing ideas.

Lastly, to come up with social media post ideas for business, you can use Amazon. On Amazon, look for best selling books in your industry and go through the reviews.

The reviews readers leave can really allow you to get into the mind of your target audience and understand what they are after, what they want more of and what they enjoy.

For example, if you are a career coach, look for career advancement related books, and check the best selling ones first. Then go to the review section and read what readers have said they liked the most about the book.

This will really help you tune into the wants and needs of your target audience and you can come up with social media post ideas for business that are more aligned with their expectations.

Remember, when coming up with social media post ideas for business always put priority on quality rather than quantity.

Ensure you are sharing content that is informative, entertaining as well as relevant. And always follow the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your posts are non-promotional and only 20% of your posts are promotional.

Over promoting on social media won’t allow you to earn the trust and respect of your audience, which is so critical to be able to convert them into leads and sales.

If you’d like to take your Facebook marketing to the next level, and increase the results you’re getting from your current Facebook marketing efforts by 10, click here to download my FREE Facebook marketing report. Simply enter your name and email and I’ll instantly send you the report.

Remember to also subscribe to our Youtube channel for the latest social media marketing tips and tricks.

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