Like any social media network, Instagram success is measured by your audience size and engagement rate.
By audience size, we mean the number of followers you have and by engagement rate, we mean the amount of people who actually interact with your posts by sharing them, commenting on them and liking them.
Working towards increasing your Instagram engagement rate, and more specifically your post likes is important for many reasons.
First, it allows you to benefit from more organic reach.
In other words, the more free Instagram likes a post receives the more newsfeeds the post will appear on because Instagram prioritises posts that receive a lot of engagement.
Plus, when your posts receive a lot of free ig likes it increases the chances of your brand being top-of-mind.
Thirdly, the more engaged your audience is, the easier it is to convert them into leads or even sales for your business because they have a positive association with your brand.
In order to get free Instagram likes, you need to implement the following secrets.
Instagram analytics
First, to get the most likes on Instagram you can, leverage the power of Instagram analytics.
Tracking when your audience is the most active on Instagram, so you only post at these times can really help you get free Instagram likes.
You can check manually by posting at different times of the day and different days of the week and monitor when you receive the most engagement or you can check out your Instagram analytics by clicking on the menu tab on the top right hand side, and then selecting “insights”.
This will give you all the information you need about your followers, so you can post content when they’re the most active on the platform, and content based on their gender, age and location, so it is more relevant to them.
Because the more relevant the content you post is to your audience, the more likely they’ll pay attention to your posts and the more free ig likes you’ll get.
Use hashtags
Second, to get the most likes on Instagram you can, include hashtags in your posts. The great thing with Instagram is that you can add up to 30 hashtags to each post.
And when you include hashtags, the higher your chances of your posts being discovered by people who are interested in your content and the more free Instagram likes you’ll get.
The key is to include specific hashtags, and not generic ones. The more generic your hashtags are such as “instagood or #love or #recipes, the more competition there is, and it gets harder for your post to be noticed.
When you include specific and descriptive hashtags, the less competition there is and the more likely you’ll attract the attention of more targeted people and see an increase in free ig likes.
For example, if your post is a gluten free orange cake recipe, then don’t include generic hashtags such as #recipe or #cakerecipe. Instead, use descriptive hashtags such as #glutenfreeorangecake or #glutenfreecakerecipe.
Partner with an Influencer
Social influencers are usually:
- Self-made internet stars
- Well-known in their industry,
- Have high engagement levels on social networks
- Have authority and credibility in their industry
- Have large and specific audiences
What this means, is if you are lucky enough to partner with a social media influencer who will give your account a shoutout, you can very quickly get free Instagram likes because the influencer’s audience will check it out.
Instead of waiting for online influencers to find you, you can actually start looking for them and offer a deal for them to endorse your Instagram account.
In order to receive endorsements from social media influencers, you will need to find out more about them such as their story, how they prefer to work with brands and what projects they are working on.
Then, when you’ve collected enough information, it’s time to develop a relationship with them.
It can start by simply engaging with their content, or initiating a social media conversation with them.
Next, make an offer in writing if you prefer. You can draw up an offer outlining the partnership, what is expected from both parties, the deliverables, how payment will work and how long the campaign will run for.
Use a Consistent Aesthetic and Publish Quality Pictures
Since Instagram is like the magazine version of your account, to get the most likes on Instagram you can, your pictures should be high quality and aesthetically pleasing.
Plus, you should use a consistent aesthetic throughout your posts. In other words, the style of all your posts, the text fonts on your posts, the filters and the colours should be the same each time and match your branding.
The brand glossier for example publishes pictures aligned with their brand aesthetic.
You’ll notice they all feature light pink, which is the same light pink colour used in their logo and the text font used on their posts is the same as the text font used for their logo.
This will automatically allow your account to stand out from all the noise on Instagram and help you get free Instagram likes from other users because they’ll be eye-catching.
Boost posts
Another way to quickly and easily get free Instagram likes is by boosting your posts. Boosting your posts means paying to advertise your posts to people who are not your followers.
This allows you to reach more people fast, and the more people see your posts, the more likely you’ll see your Instagram likes grow.
Pick a post that has received a lot of engagement organically already, and click on “promote”if you have an Instagram business account. If not, convert your account into a business account to be able to access the boost post feature.
Then you’ll need to select where you want to redirect people to, who click on your post. If the aim of the promotion is to get more likes, then choose your profile.
Then you’ll need to decide who you want to target. You can either let Instagram decide based on the demographics and psychographics of your followers or you can decide manually who you want to target, according to their age, gender, location and interests.
The great thing about this feature is that Instagram will automatically format your post to display it on both the newsfeed and stories and will run it where it’s performing the best, so you won’t have to do anything to optimize your promoted post.
Engage with other users
In order to get free Instagram likes, like and comment on other people’s pictures. Instagram users tend to pay attention to accounts who are the most engaged with theirs.
So the more you engage with other user’s content, the more free ig likes your Instagram posts will get.
Plus, when you engage with other user’s content, a clickable link redirecting to your profile will be displayed next to the post for everyone to see.
The key to getting the most likes on Instagram you can, is engaging on content that is popular and of interest to your target audience.
For example, should you be a nutritionist, wanting to build a following of people interested in improving their nutrition, type in the search box “nutrition” to find relevant and popular content to engage with.
So there you have it, the 6 ways to increase your Instagram likes so you can enjoy more reach and more engagement.
Remember to also subscribe to our Youtube channel for the latest social media marketing tips and tricks.
About the Author

Corinna Essa is known internationally as the go-to person when it comes to social media marketing.
Corinna owns a social media marketing company helping businesses around the world leverage the power of social media without doing any of the legwork. Her company has been featured in many media outlets including Sky Business news, Working Women magazine, Ymagazine, Tasmanian Times, Channel 7 and 101fm.
Corinna is also the author of 2 bestselling books “Money On Demand – The 16 Fastest Ways to Becoming a Millionaire Online” and “Reach: The SECRETS to converting your social media audience into your network marketing downline fast”
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