Live Webinar

The Future of Social Media and Cryptocurrencies as Facebook prepares to launch its own coin “Diem”:

Take advantage of the opportunities to make big gains early

thursday, SEPT 23rd 2021

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 22nd 9pm EST (New York)

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 23rd 10am BST (London)

Darren Jenkins


Corinna Essa


In this live training you’ll discover:

  • How to understand Cryptocurrencies and blockchain and use it to your advantage
  • What it means for you when Facebook launches its coin “Diem”
  • The coins that are the most reliable and consistent to make gains from
  • The coins to pay close attention to in the coming months, that are about to explode in value
  • How you can start your Crypto journey with less than $100
  • The mistakes to avoid with Cryptocurrencies
  • How to automate the process of buying and selling Cryptocurrencies
  • The 2 must-have tools to make sure your Cryptocurrency investments are safe

Live Webinar

The Future of Social Media and Cryptocurrencies as Facebook prepares to launch its own coin “Diem”:

Take advantage of the opportunities to make big gains early

thursday, SEPT 23rd 2021

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 22nd 9pm EST (New York)

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 23rd 10am BST (London)

Here are 5 reasons you MUST attend this training:


Cryptocurrencies are about to disrupt the future of social media


Cryptocurrencies have always been connected to social networks. The very first real-world transaction completed via Bitcoin was the purchase of two pizzas—and that was done through a social networking forum.


Many crypto-based social networks have emerged and the future looks like crypto-based social media platforms are going to become a mainstay


Facebook is about to look very different once it launches its own Cryptocurrency


There are major opportunities ahead to turn Cryptocurrencies into a side income

About the Presenter

Darren Jenkins - Digital Wealth Group

Darren Jenkins is an entrepreneur, international speaker, and wealth creation strategist passionate about helping people from all walks of life invest in Cryptocurrency for maximum returns while minimizing risks.

Live Webinar

The Future of Social Media and Cryptocurrencies as Facebook prepares to launch its own coin “Diem”:

Take advantage of the opportunities to make big gains early

thursday, SEPT 23rd 2021

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 22nd 9pm EST (New York)

Equivalent to: Wednesday, September 23rd 10am BST (London)

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